Valley Weekly - May 9-15, 2022

LACCD COVID Vaccine & Masking Policy Changes for Students
The LACCD Board of Trustees voted last week to modify the District's vaccination policy and to rescind the indoor masking requirement. The following will go to effect on the dates noted below:
- Effective May 5, 2022, students are not required to provide proof of vaccination or have an approve exemption to enroll in in-person classes or to access District or college facilities. Weekly COVID testing for students with vaccination exemptions will also no longer be required.
- Effective June 12, 2022, there will no longer be an indoor masking mandate at any of the colleges or at District facilities for employees, students or visitors. After June 12, individuals may choose to wear a mask if they want to, and free masks will still be available on campus.
To learn more about the District policy changes, visit LAVC's COVID-19 Updates.
President's Student Town Hall
Monday, May 9 at 3 p.m.
Online (YouTube Live)
Join Dr. Barry Gribbons at the LAVC Student Town Hall on YouTube Live for a campus update. He will talk about the District's vaccination, testing and masking requirement changes, LAVC's upcoming graduation ceremony, the latest on Summer and Fall classes, and more! He will also answer questions posted in the live chat. Watch live to the LAVC Student Town Hall on May 9 at 3 p.m. on YouTube.
COVID-19 Testing Appointments for Students & Employees
Monday, May 9 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.,
Tuesday, May 10 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. &
Wednesday, May 11 from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Engineering 100 (view map)
Biocept is offering weekly COVID-19 testing at LA Valley College for students and employees (by appointment only) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Schedule your appointment using your private Cleared4 account link. For more information, visit the LACCD Vaccination & Testing Requirements.
COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Distribution
Monday-Thursday, May 9-12 from 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. &
Friday, May 13 from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Mail Room - Administration & Career Advancement 1708 (view map)
Students and employees can get up to two FREE Covid-19 at-home rapid antigen testing kits per person, each week at the designated Antigen Test pick up location; Theatre & Music students can pick up 3 kits per student, per week. Please show your student ID or employee ID when picking up your kits. For more information, check the LAVC Covid-19 Antigen Home Testing Kit Distribution.
Virtual Monarch Registration Day
Wednesday, May 11 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Online (Zoom)
Want help enrolling in Summer or Fall classes? Chat live with Admissions, Counseling, Financial Aid & more to help you answer your questions and enroll at our Virtual Monarch Registration Day on May 11 from 9 a.m - 2p.m. on Zoom
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
Thursday, May 12 from 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Parking Lot A (view map)
Get your COVID-19 vaccine or booster dose at our Vaccine Clinic! The clinic offers the Pfizer (ages 12+), Moderna (ages 18+), Janssen (ages 18+), and Pfizer Pediatric (ages 5-11) vaccines. Appointments are available and walks-up are welcomed. For more details, check the LAVC Vaccination Clinic schedule.
Outdoor Movie Night: West Side Story
Friday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m.
North Mall (view map)
Join us for Outdoor Movie Night featuring West Side Story on Friday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the “North Mall” (lawn in front of the Art building). Free Kona Ice, Sharky’s, and Subway! 100 chairs will be available, but feel free to bring your own picnic blanket. All are welcome!
Last Chance to Choose for LAVC as the BEST in the Valley—Vote by May 15
Time is running out! The last day to vote online for "Los Angeles Valley College" as the BEST in the San Fernando Valley in the Daily News Readers’ Choice Awards is May 15, 2022. For your nominations to count, you need to vote in at least 10 different categories.
To vote online, follow these steps:
- Go to the Daily News Readers' Choice , and choose the EDUCATION button,
- Go to Community College, type in Los Angeles Valley College,s
- Go to Career College / Trade School, type in Los Angeles Valley College,
- Go to Career College: Nursing School, type in Los Angeles Valley College,
- Go to College Extension Program, type in Los Angeles Valley College,
- Go to Tutoring, type in Los Angeles Valley College,
- Choose the PLACES button, and go to Kids Camp and type in Monarch Camps,
- Vote for four more of your favorite local businesses, in the areas of Food & Drink, Health & Wellness Goods & Services, My Home Goods & Services, Non-Home Goods & Services, Organizations & Shows, People, and Places.
Voting only takes place online, and is open from April 15-May 15. Vote online today!
Announcements for Students
Masks Required Indoors on Campus Until June 12
In accordance with Board Policy 2800, masks are required indoors on-campus for students, employees and visitors until June 12. Free disposable surgical-style (medical) masks are available at the entrance of every campus building. For more info, check the LACCD Vaccination, Testing and Screening Information.
Got Questions? LAVC Welcome Center is Here to Help You
The LAVC Welcome Center is your first stop to help answer your questions and help you find what you're looking for at Valley College! We're open Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Connect with us at:
- Stop by the Welcome Center on 1st Floor of the Student Services Center (SSC). (View campus map)
- Chat live on the Welcome Center Virtual Lobby (
- Phone: (818) 938-8418 (press 1 for Welcome Center)
- Email: @email
Transfer Tips from LAVC Alumni in Social & Behavioral Sciences
Interested in transferring? Join our discussion and hear the strategies from LAVC alumni within the Social and Behavioral Science CAP. We will give away six bookstore vouchers worth $100 each at the end. Voucher recipients must be currently enrolled students who have paid their $10.00 ASU fees. Sign up for details.
5-Week & 8-Week Classes Available This Summer!
It's not too late to enroll in 5-week and 8-week classes this Summer. Search for Summer open classes and register online using your Student Portal. If you need help enrolling, let our Welcome Center assist you.
Fall Registration is Going on Now
Check the Student Portal to find out the first day you can register, and to search/enroll in Fall classes. For registration assistance, contact our Welcome Center.
Find Employment and Earn College Credit with LAVC Coop. Ed.!
Looking for a job? Check our Job Opportunity Listing for April 23 - May 7, 2022.Plus, you can get four (4) CSU transferable elective units for your job, internship, or volunteer experience during Summer 2022 through LAVC Cooperative Education. To participate, you do not have to be enrolled in another course (at LAVC or any other accredited institution). If you are interested, submit a completed Coop application in person or via email. Enrollment is by permission number only. For more information, email LAVC Coop Ed or call (818) 947-2334.
Upcoming Events
COVID-19 PCR Testing for Students & Employees
Monday, May 16 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in Engineering 100,
Tuesday, May 17 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in Engineering 100 &
Wednesday, May 18 from 12-5 p.m. in Engineering 100
Biocept is offering COVID-19 testing at LA Valley College for students and employees (by appointment only) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Engineering 100. Schedule your appointment using your private Cleared4 account link. For other testing locations/dates, check the Districtwide COVID Testing schedule. For more info, visit the LACCD Vaccination & Testing Requirements.
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
Thursday, May 19 from 10AM - 6:30PM. in Parking Lot A &
Thursday, May 26 from 10AM - 6:30PM. in Parking Lot A
Get your COVID-19 vaccine or booster dose at our Vaccine Clinic! The clinic offers the Pfizer (ages 12+), Moderna (ages 18+), Janssen (ages 18+), and Pfizer Pediatric (ages 5-11) vaccines. Only LAVC students and employees are eligible to receive a $150 Bookstore Gift Card with each on-campus vaccine or booster dose. Appointments are available and walks-up are welcomed. Check the LAVC Vaccination Clinics for details.
Tau Alpha Epsilon Apple Awards
Friday, May 20 at 4PM on Zoom
TAE Club invites you to our student-run annual Apple Awards on Friday, May 20 at 4PM on Zoom. This ceremony celebrates outstanding teachers for their award-worthy careers in the teaching profession! To register in advance, go to LAVC Tau Alpha Epsilon and click events page.
To find other upcoming campus events and activities, check the LAVC Calendar of Events.
LACCD encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation, or have questions about the physical access provided, please use the links above to contact the event organizer as soon as possible, but no later than ten (10) business days prior to the event.